The Development Of Medical Technology

Technology in healthcare has a very important role, particularly in providing quality or the quality of health services in the hospital. Along with the development of technology and information as if he’d made a new standard that must be fulfilled. This makes nursing worldwide be challenged to continue to develop the quality of nursing services based on information technology. If you want to know more about health technologies, visit

Often sounded creepy. But with modern medical technology, surgery is not something more sinister, and perhaps you imagined. If we talk about the surgery, then for the sake of convenience we imagine that the operator would create a “window” a person’s body, with the purpose of seeing, feeling, take or lift anything that is inside the person’s body. In the past and still today to create a “window” was conducted by wring body. The development of medical technology has led us to no longer need to create a “window”, but enough to make a “hole” in the body (Key-Hole Surgery). Furthermore, in the “hole” was mounted a sleeve-shaped device, which is then used as places for the various kinds of equipment such as cameras, scissors, a knife or a vacuum.

Thus the technical story Laparoscopic surgery, where the surgery experts prefer the term “Minimally Invasive Surgery” than other designations such as, for example, Endoscopic Surgery, Laser Surgery, and others.

It is normally, when people who already worked in this field dreaming about the future of medical technology. This time the dream has become a reality after the FDA approved Laparoscopy Robotic Surgery named “daVinci Surgery System”. This system is used as a surgical instrument in the area of the human body “chest, stomach (abdomen) and pelvic / content (pelvis).

The daVinci system provides 3-dimensional picture of an object and the operation area enlarged up to 12x on the monitor. Operator is in the corner of the room, separate from the patient and work towards computer / console while moving the Joy-Stick without touching the patient.